pastry master who uses reolì for a dessert

Industry and professional line

Discover the Reolì products dedicated to industry and professionals


Reolì products for professionals and food industry

Reolì creams for professional use

Better taste and better yeld

Reolì creams can be used as base ingredients in all food preparations that required high and medium consistency fats.

Bakery with Reolì products Production of ice-creams and frozen foods with Reolì products Cookies production with Reolì products Reolì products are cholesterol free Arancini made with Reolì products Croissants made with Reolì products


Destinations in industry and professional sector

destinations in professional sector

Some destinations of Reolì creams in professional sector

Croissants made with Reolì products

Baked confectionery

production of cookies, croissants, snacks, pies, sweets, etc.

Chocolate-based confectionery products with Reolì

Chocolate confectionery

production of sweet snacks, spreads, etc.

Cakes preparations made with Reolì products

Cake preparations

vegetable creams, sugar paste, etc.

Bread and others bakery products mades with Reolì products


production of savory snacks, croutons, baked bread, pizza, crackers, taralli, rusks, etc.

Savory cream made with Reolì products

Savory creams

cheese base, truffle, etc.

Ice-creams production with Reolì products


Frozen food production with Reolì products

Frozen foods

Picture of a Reolì curl

The advantages for industry and professionals

Nutritional and organoleptic advantages

Le creme Reolì sostituiscono tutti i grassi vegetali ed animali, presentando vantaggi nutrizionali e, nel caso, organolettici

Reolì products are ice vegan certified Reolì products are lactose free Reolì products are sugar free Reolì products are cholesterol free Reolì products are gluten free Reolì products are GMOs free Reolì products are hydrogenated free

icon for vegetable and natural ingredients

Vegetable and natural ingredients

(profumi e sapori controllati e stabili)

icon for the  the pleasure of taste

the pleasure of taste

(all the aromas and flavours of the artisanal extra virgin olive oil and high oleic sunflower oil are kept stable)

icon for Greater workability

Greater workability

(the creamy mixture improves the amalgam)

Icon for Health values

Health values

(All health properties of Extravirgin oil and Sunflower oil are preserved)

Wellness advantages

image of cast alimenti logo

Partnership with Cast Alimenti

Cast alimenti

Reolì products are analyzed by Cast Alimenti

In quanto rivoluzione nel mondo dei grassi alimentari, tutti i prodotti Reolì sono analizzati da Cast Alimenti, la più prestigiosa scuola di cucina e Pasticceria del made in Italy

Read more

recipes with reolì

Discover all fantastic recipes you can made with Reolì

picture of recipePeschemade withReolì Extravergine

desserts Reolì Extravergine


uno dei dolci più amati realizzato con Reolì Extravergine


picture of recipeCrostata al limonemade withReolì Extravergine

Customers recipes Reolì Extravergine

Crostata al limone

Un dolce fresco e leggero, altamente digeribile


picture of recipeReolì Creammade withReolì Girasole

Customers recipes Reolì Girasole

Reolì Cream

Crema senza burro per stuccare dolci


picture of recipeFiore di pan brioche alla nutellamade withReolì Extravergine

Customers recipes Reolì Extravergine

Fiore di pan brioche alla nutella

Un dolce dall’impasto leggero e digeribile senza grassi dannosi per la salute che piacerà a grandi e piccini


All recipes