How to use Reolì

Discover the ways you can use Reolì products


how to use reolì

Sweet and savory with Reolì

Reolì can be used in many different ways. The only limit is fantasy.

Reolì can replace butter and margarine in any type of preparation and moreover it can be used as a separate ingredient to give taste and delicacy in your recipes. Find out below some uses of Reolì in the kitchen.

See how

Picture of Reolì Extravirgin
picture of Reolì Sunflower

find out what you can do with Reolì

Reolì can replace butter and margarine in any type of preparation. Find out below some uses of Reolì in the kitchen.

Reolì usage examples

how people use reolì

Find out how people use Reolì in the kitchen or in their business

recipes with reolì

Discover all fantastic recipes you can made with Reolì

picture of recipePeschemade withReolì Extravergine

desserts Reolì Extravergine


uno dei dolci più amati realizzato con Reolì Extravergine


picture of recipeCrostata al limonemade withReolì Extravergine

Customers recipes Reolì Extravergine

Crostata al limone

Un dolce fresco e leggero, altamente digeribile


picture of recipeReolì Creammade withReolì Girasole

Customers recipes Reolì Girasole

Reolì Cream

Crema senza burro per stuccare dolci


picture of recipeFiore di pan brioche alla nutellamade withReolì Extravergine

Customers recipes Reolì Extravergine

Fiore di pan brioche alla nutella

Un dolce dall’impasto leggero e digeribile senza grassi dannosi per la salute che piacerà a grandi e piccini


All recipes